Dr.Marri Channa Reddy Human Resource Development Institute
Study Material -- Sessions Presentations
  Week - 7
S.No Subject Presented by
1 Blue Bisons
2 Theory of market structure
Dr.N.A. Khan
3 Market Failures
4 Habit-5
5 Habit-6
6 General Exceptions (IPC)
Dr. Ravulapati Madhavi
7 Procedure in Criminal Cases
Dr. Ravulapati Madhavi
8 Human Rights and Duties and their significance Prof. (Dr.) Y.S.R. Murthy
9 Role of civil servants in the protection of Human Rights Prof. (Dr.) Y.S.R. Murthy
10 Urban Management Innovations Smt.D.Lakshmi Parthasarathy, IAS
11 Right to Equality
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